12:34 matters.

I really don't know how I got started on this.

I think it was just something I kept noticing. After a while I realized I had an opinion. And that I liked having that opinion. That's right. I have a favorite minute. And it's not the average 11:11. It's 12:34.

There are a couple of things I love about having this minute. First of all, I just plain think it looks good. I really do. It's a good looking minute.

But more importantly I've been finding lately that having that minute is like planting a surprise gift for myself.

I never catch it on purpose. I never set any alarms. I don't anxiously wait for it. Sometimes I forget I even like it. But every now and then I look up at the clock and there it is. 12:34. Staring right at me. And it's great. Because all my focus sort of just zooms into it. And anything I was working on, anything I was worrying about, really doesn't matter. I suddenly realize I'm in my favorite min and there is no guilt in taking the whole thing to enjoy.

How awesome is it that there are two of them in a day?

on a side note: this does have the effect of making 12:33 the longest minute that ever existed, and 12:35 the lamest. but it's worth it. ;)

on another side note: I feel it is my duty to tell you that there is actually a Facebook group dedicated to 12:34 (I didn't make it!) and if any of you feel this way - or come to feel this way in the future - you should unite with us.


Unknown said...

i like 12:11.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Trixxie Cospito said...

since last year, i get minutes in multiples ALL THE TIME / 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 and every iteration thereafter. i am of the mindset that it is WAY COOL.

Laura said...

I think of you every single time I see 12:34. one time I saw 12:34:56 (a timer that had seconds as well).

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