Pop-up delight!

Late post, but there are pictures!

Here's a little show and tell. 

Earlier, I posted about a project I was doing for Luba Lukova's class: creating a pop-up book. Clearly, the first step in getting this project done right is learning how to make pop-up books.  I scooted on over to Strand Bookstore and picked up this pop-up book to divide and conquer. After much ripping, tearing, tracing, cutting and taping, I'm quite pleased with the result. So far I have a few of the animals done, remade out of magazine pages and covers (the covers work much better). I can't wait to have the whole book done and then paint all over it until it's a mess of crazy pop-up collage.

Cover - ew

Polar - ew
too cute right? too cute...

Moose - cool
ok, this is no longer a true moose head. I used floppy magazine pages for this one, so his antlers are more like... flaps.

Whale - cool
Like I said, magazine covers work better. Please note the squid. Because what's a whale scene without its squid?

Penguin - cool
I saved the best for last. Not just because I liked this penguin... but because of this penguin's buddy to the left. It wasn't until I had created this whole pop-up that I noticed this little man... and his little egg. Now I know, I know! That's how these guys do it. I've seen March of the Penguin, thankyouverymuch. But in this illustration somehow the majesty of the sacrifice, the nobility of the act is... well... lost. And instead I'm giggling. Maybe it's the big beaky grin. 

I hope this picture has inspired at least one kid to ask his parents about that egg. 


Lynne/Mom said...

Hi Carol! I really like this woman's face with the big penguin beak on it!

~Lynne aka Holly's mom

Carol Matthews-Nicoli said...

Hi Lynne!

Thank you! I'm glad! and thank you for checking out my blog. :)

~ Carol

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